Stacee Michelle

Call out the Seeds of GREATNESS in people. LightHouses SHINE. Love Out Loud!! Born to Be Bold.

Trusting God

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Sometimes the route God takes us seems like the long way or even a detour. Or maybe the unrealized visions lead to frustration. But I say, trust the process. Trust God. And once you arrive, you will discover that you were thinking too small in the first place! But while you trust God, ENJOY the journey because the lessons are found in each experience along the way.

When you act on what the Holy Spirit tells you, it expands your hope which increases your faith. Just as when people invest their money into the stock market, they are going to watch what their money is doing, because they are invested. Conversely, if you do not act on what the Holy Spirit gives you for someone else, there is no investment. Our two Greatest Commandments are that we love God and love our neighbor. Matthew 22: 37-39 “Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is that you love your neighbor as yourself.” In every interaction that you are in, is an opportunity for you to make an impact, by showing God’s love to other people. Lets attune our station to the frequency of the Holy Spirit by listening to what He wants of us, and then impact the Greatest Commandments! ~I’m going to be mindful of every interaction. Becoming Bolder!

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